Friday 13 January 2012

Nandi's Dedication | Families | Erinvale Estate, Somerset West

You all may remember Berdine & Hein from their baby bump shoot last year :) Well, here's the 'bump' all growed up and gorgeous - little Nandi Amika Pohl. And how precious is she? I was incredibly honored to have been asked by Berdine & Hein to capture her dedication ceremony. I loved the beauty and simplicity of it all - a beautiful oak tree, their closest friends and family, and a few words of love, support and faith in Gods plan for little Nandi. Life, pure and simple :)

Ouma and Oupa are too precious - and love the magic that little kiddies bring to any event!

She gets her good looks from her Mama :)

Hehe, Nandi and her precious cousin have a few words ;)

A very very proud Granny and some thankful parents :)

Love this one :)

BIGGEST giggles with Dad!

Apparently the dress was both adorable AND tasty ;)


Remember Berdine's ring? Hein got it for her with the idea of adding extra stones for each important event in their lives - how precious???

Teehee, LOVE this one :)

Beautiful cloudy day!!