Sunday 24 July 2011

Weekend Ramblage: Birthdays!

Hello lovely blog readers! Apologies for the quiet this weekend, I've been off celebrating and photographing! And now I'd love to share a bit of my birthday happiness with you :) I've been incredibly spoilt with the most amazing gifts (a bit more of that to come in future blog posts) and love from all my nearest and dearest :).

Although I had to work on my actual birthday, friday, I ended up having more of a birthday weekend with different events, and who can complain about an extended birthday right?!? ;)

Hubby took me out on Friday for an AMAZING dinner at Magica Roma in Pinelands, had the best seafood pasta ever :)

Then had brunch at Cassis with friends the day after :)

Did I mention I'm a sucker for good presentation?

LOVE these pots - pity even the baby ones cost a small fortune...

Lovely friends! :) 

And again :)

Beautiful flowers. Ones on left from Jes, on right from Hubby :)

I now own pretty much ALL of Kay's Antiques stock, but really, I'm ok with that! Thanks to hubby for the gift, and these pics :)

I'm pretending this sunset was a special gift to me too ;)

Seafood family dinner at home - Mom-In-Law cooks amazingly! With divine reserve wine :)

Now, you may have noticed my slight obsession with Scrabble ;) My friend Robs did, and check these cool cookies she made me for my birthday! A BOX of Scrabble cookies! This girl is brilliant :)

Finally I have something to put in my glass jars I insisted on buying several months back ;)

AND I have a hubby who makes me awesome cappuccinos whilst I blog, yes I'm a lucky girl indeed ;)

And well, in the spirit of things, thought I might share a few more random factoids about myself:

1. I open presents REALLY carefully, so as not to disturb the wrapping paper. And no, I'm not even one of those people who hoards old wrapping paper, I just don't like to tear it ;)
2. When I get to bottom of the bottle of a beauty product, I end up using it REALLY sparingly, and then but a new one and inevitably end up throwing what's left of the old one out. Daft really.
3. I LOVE NikNaks, don't ever let me near a large bag because I WILL finish it.
4. Ditto for peanut butter, I've been known to finish a jar with a spoon.
5. I really don't think Baileys counts as alcohol - which is why you can have it in coffee for breakfast! hehe
6. I tend to watch rather questionable non-educational TV programmes. Like reality TV, and not the competitive kind. But let's not go there ;)
7. My hubby's least favourite habit of mine is that I pick my cuticles. To pieces. Really should stop.
8. Realising this makes me 8yrs old, I love Harry Potter! And may have cried in the 8th movie this afternoon...
9. I can't wear nail polish. Within minutes I've chewed, nicked or scratched it irrepairably.
10. I don't like Aubergines, really just don't.
11. I've been known to carry pepper spray at the ready in my hand. Or test it with horrendous results!
12. I have a propensity for making creatively violent suggestions in retribution for hurtful people.
13. I drive VERY slowly, like 90km/h even on highways.
14. I talk to my electronic devices, especially when they refuse to play along with me!
15. I LOVE animated movies - anyone who's heard me recite from 'The Emperor's New Groove' can testify to this ;)
16. I tend to wear whatever's on the top of my clothing pile, fall in love with that, and forget that I am in fact able to rotate outfits ;)
17. I don't wear heels at all really anymore, but still managed to convince myself to buy some a few weeks back.
18. I own about 5 white button-up shirts, but still feel like I need a few more...
19. B&W photos make my heart beat faster.
20. Spiders make me feel nauseously frightened...

And well, I figure 20 things is appropriate for a 20-something year old!

Thanks lovely people for all your support these past few months, I wouldn't be here without it and I'm eternally grateful!!

Oh, and my husband rocks :)



  1. You are the sweetest!!! I love these factoids about you and giggle at the ones I relate too, its so great to laugh out loud when I realise I do the same thing, and Im sure others feel the same! These pics are beautiful and you are incredible with product shots!! Well done hubby for the BEAUTIFUL earring shots, my absolute fave is the B&W, seems the light was soft and beautiful!! Thank you for always sharing of yourself, I totally gobble your blog up! Can't wait for the rest of the blogs to come next week. :) XXX

  2. Thanks Kim! I'm so happy that you find you relate to some of my crazier attributes ;) x

  3. You forgot to add that your car (that you drive slowly) now proudly displays the Bumper Sticker, 'You are the adult, Buckle Up your kids', Got an e-mail to say that La CReust is having a BIG Sale - so that's a nice present to yourself ... Love the earings .. Oh yes, and that you are a natural with kids ... Hope you have a FAB year. Gia
