Sunday 22 July 2012

Weekend Ramblings | On Birthdays

My birthday kinda snuck up on me this year. Not in an 'omg, I'm a year older!' sort of way. More a 'wait, where'd a year go?!' sort of thing. I feel rather at a loss for words to describe just how blessed I've been this past year - if I look back on just how much has happened in a year, I'm blown away. A year ago, it was just a dream that I'd have my own business, that I'd get to shoot weddings (!) that I'd feel as inspired and ALIVE as I do writing this. A heart full of happiness & thankfulness encompasses where I'm at now :)

Now, I feel like birthdays require a little randomness, so here are 24 randoms for you (for my 24 years ;) ):

1. I've been in such a dwaal this year that I somehow had a premature quarter life crisis, until a work colleague kindly reminded me that I am in fact turning 24, not 25. (No I don't dye my hair, haha!!)
2. I like to describe things colorfully - normal adjectives don't quite cut it. Like last thursday felt rather like being a piƱata in a dark store closet, beaten by someone with very poor aim. 'Poopy thursday'? Please, I'll top that ;)
3. I'm obsessed with cats. My hubby says I can have one when I start asking for a baby.
4. I won't be asking for a baby any time soon I'm afraid!
5. Eating Smarties gives me goosebumps. They make the same sound in your mouth as nails on a chalkboard. Ugh.
6. I used to be vegetarian. Not anymore. The only thing I don't eat now is boerewors. It still weirds me out.
7. My second toes are longer than my big ones. FREAK ALERT!
8. I was on the Scrabble and Chess clubs in primary school = NERD
9. I can spell backwards. Totally useless unless I happened to be a pro Cranium player.
10. My husband cooks. Most nights. That should embarrass me, but it doesn't, I'm just grateful! :)
11. For those of you who don't know, I'm an Occupational Therapist in my 'other world'. It couldn't be more different from photography, but it balances my brain out quite nicely.
12. I've know my husband for almost 10 years - we met in high school :)
13. I have the opposite of green fingers - I've even managed to kill a cactus. My husband maintains this is why I can't have a cat! Puh-leeze, the cat would complain if it didn't get water right? Instead of sitting quietly in a corner slowly wilting ;)
14. Driving fast freaks me out. I drive like a 80 year old woman. The slow bit, not the slightly blind bit.
15. I used to the opposite of a tech freak. Now I occasionally sit in corners stroking my lenses, Gollum-style ;)
16. I heart all Apple products. My hubby says it's cuz they're shiny. Whatever.
17. I have an obsession with white shirts. I'm not actually going to admit how many I have.
18. I adore coffee, seriously, make me a good cuppa and you'll have won my heart!
19. Carbs make the world go round.
20. I despise gym. I've turned into one of those terrible people who have a gym membership, and well...never quite get around to the 'going' bit. I have exercise ADD ok. And yes that is a real diagnosis (sort of)
21. I try to be elegant, really I do, but I'm more of a clumsy girl. I'm the one that falls down stairs, walks into invisible poles (don't even ask) and has bruises that are inexplicable. I'm working on it.
22. My car is a blue Atos. It's name is Doug. And Doug is a girl :)
23. My hubby rocks my world - seriously, I wouldn't have achieved anything this past year without him by my side. He's the best P.I.C. ever ;)
24. I used to be good at getting photographed, however, the more time I spend behind the camera the worse I've become in front of it. This resulting in rather few photos of me. So I asked my hubby to snap some of me today - even got all elegantly dolled up for it. I shan't admit how many ugly-faced ones I had to cull out, but here are a few to show hubby's excellent coaching :)
Bonus one: I'm planning to make this 25th year of my life kick some serious butt, I can't wait for what's in store :)

And now, without being cheesy, I'd like to thank all of YOU! Whether you are a client, a friend, or someone I haven't even met - I treasure your support immensely :) Thank you for following my journey, and for being an inherent part of it :)

Much love

I have this little obsession with tan at the moment
 I don't usually wear headbands - I have a large skull, but I love this one :)

 Managed to jump and land without fracturing an ankle = points

 Trying to be pretty :) (and elegant!)

 Some lovely home office inspiration :)
 Breakfast macaroons from the hubby :)
 And every macaroon requires a ring shot of course ;)


  1. Happy Birthday, Sweetness! You made me smile with your adorable blog and pictures :D
    Love ya!

  2. Carike Holtzhausen23 July 2012 at 01:24

    Just found your blog & I LOVE it! Happy birthday for yesterday! :)

  3. Friend, you are so beautiful. I look forward to (hopefully) seeing more pics of you on the blog in the future (and you definitely pulled off the elegant and pretty vibe... and I LOVED the jumping shots. More FLASH (photography)! (That was for Ross):)

  4. Happy birthday, Tiffs! Love these pics--you look gorgeous & your blog made me smile (a lot!)
    Lots of love Jeanette
