Friday 9 December 2011

Christmas Market | Slowmarket | Oude Libertas, Stellenbosch

I'm a TOTAL sucker for Christmas, utterly and completely :) And markets. So really, the Slowmarket Christmas market made me feel like a kid in a candy store. F'reals :) Here are a few of my favorite images :)

Because who doesn't love gingerbread cookies?

Santa and...wait a minute, that ain't Mrs Claus!!

Bunting *sigh*

Treasury Market, so-named because you should bring a treasury to buy all the gorgeous things!

Rudolph :)

This is a stunning brand!!

How cute are these two??

What an awesome initiative, I wanted one!

Spot the photographer ;)

Les macarons!

Market by night.

And the beautiful back-lit bunting!


  1. love love love the night shots! beautiful tiffs :)

  2. Yikes! I better not get to go there... I wouldn't be able to control myself! What a fantastic setting. Just beautiful!
