Wednesday 27 April 2011


Now, before I begin writing about the Kindle, let me say this: I am an avid reader, and a serious book loyalist to boot. I love everything about books - the smell of the pages, the feel of turning pages, and the potential for decor in displaying books as well.

So...when my hubby presented me with one for our 'paper' anniversary a few weeks ago, I was a little bit intimidated. After all - a screen to read books on? And MORE technology to master?

But...after a few weeks of using this nifty little device, I couldn't live without it! It's GREAT to be able to carry around literally a mini-library of my favourite books (Kindle stores 3000+). It fits in my handbag so I can take it to gym, away for the weekend, and catch up on my reading everywhere. And I'm not spending whackloads of cash on books that are both expensive and take up valuable storage space in my little home

And yes, it is different to get used to reading on a screen as opposed to a page, but I had a little giggle to myself last weekend when I put it down to go do something and came back to spend several minutes searching for my 'book' before I remembered it was my Kindle I was using ;)

So...although it will never replace 'books for beauty' for me, I am officially a convert to the way of using Kindle day-to-day reading :)

Pic my own

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